Thursday, February 7

Release notes:

  • Creator: Spiaatie
  • ROM Version: WM65.PREMIUM
  • Windows Mobile 6.5 Classic
  • CE OS Core: 5.2.21916
  • Build: 21916.5.0.95
  • GERMAN (Deutsch)
  • FRENCH (Français)
  • ITALIAN (Italiano)
  • DUTCH (Nederlands)
  • SPANISH (Español)
  • HP iPAQ 210 Enterprise Handheld
  • HP iPAQ 211 Enterprise Handheld
  • HP iPAQ 212 Enterprise Handheld
  • HP iPAQ 214 Enterprise Handheld
  • HP iPAQ 216 Enterprise Handheld
ROM upgrade can be done through:
  • SD Card - 128MB to 2GB (non-SDHC)
English - (WM65-09-09-13-WWE)

You can receive this ROM if you choose to support me and donate.
Donation to Spiaatie's ROMs
iPAQ Model # (200 Series)
After donation you should receive an email (with download links) from me within 48 hours.
I send response to your PayPal email. If you use different email address - please inform me.

Any questions or requests? - send them to
support [at] spiaatiesroms [dot] com

More screenshots and ROM versions are available at 200 Series page [here].
Last update: February 15, 2014

{ 13 Comments ... read them below or Comment }

  1. I used it, and the Ipaq 214 unit fails to reboot successfully afterwards. I tried hard reset and it doesn't work. The ROM installed successfully but the CLEAN BOOT screen stays forever...Any ide what could have gone wrong? Thanks for the support in advance and thanks again for all the thing you are doing for the PDA users. Keep it going on and good luck.

  2. Did you use one of my ROMs? If you see CLEAN BOOT on screen, that's definitely not mine. My ROMs have HARD-RESET there.

  3. Hi do you have it in spanish for ipaq 216?

  4. What´s the difference between this ROM and HP iPAQ 200 Series WEH6.5 ?

  5. WM6.5 does have start menu at the top and WEH6.5 is more finger (touch) friendly and does have start menu at the bottom.

  6. oh OK, thanks for the quick response

  7. to Leesonn Smith,

    what's wrong with the old wifi drivers?

  8. Hello!

    My iPaq is having trouble connecting to my office WiFi. Other devices connect fine even older iPaqs and Dell Axims, but all my 210s have the problem. I've removed iPaq wireless from the startup and today screen and am still having issues. This is why I ask the question to see if the upgrade will help with that.

  9. I don't really know if upgrade can help as wifi works well for me. But if you could send me your email I could prepare a test ROM for you.

  10. i re installed it and it got solved, i wouldnt like to have it again. so i stay with what i got from you months ago. thank you for your help


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